ECD = Experimental Civil Defense. Dan Bombsite's organization. Mission statement: To clean and cover up top secret nuclear incidents for the protection of the United States Military and its people. Their failure to success ratio is the same number, but that's okay because the 1960s United States Military loves funding Atomic programs. Failure is not only an option, it's encouraged! Their headquarters are located inside a defunct Titan II missile silo in Tucson, Arizona.
Author Comments
ECD = Experimental Civil Defense. Dan Bombsite's organization. Mission statement: To clean and cover up top secret nuclear incidents for the protection of the United States Military and its people. Their failure to success ratio is the same number, but that's okay because the 1960s United States Military loves funding Atomic programs.Failure is not only an option, it's encouraged!Their headquarters are located inside a defunct Titan II missile silo in Tucson, Arizona.